These are five of my favorite ab exercises. I picked these out because

a. You can do it comfortably in your house.
b. All you need is your body and space .
c. No extra gadgets required.

If I could I would just put up the whole video of P90X Ab ripper because it is THE BEST. I am far away from ripped abdominals but I'm trying !

Favorite these videos on youtube and make a playlist outta them. Play it on your computer and get started with your ab exercises. The P90X guide suggests working your ab muscles no more than 3 times a week if you are doing a strenuous routine like Ab Ripper X and it is best done on days on which you do your strength training.

Important Note : I am not a trained fitness professional - merely a budding enthusiast. Do not take anything from my fitness / diet posts any more seriously than you would take something that comes up in a conversation with your friend. Talk to a trained professional / physician before starting out on any exercise / diet routine - Most gyms offer free body assessments.

Britney Abs - All The Basics

My best friend taught me these exercises when I was 17. I loved them then - love them even more now !

Mason Twists

Hands down my most favorite ab exercise. These can be done with free hands or you can add some free weights. I use 7.5 pounds, works for me. You will love this too, I'm sure !


These hurt like madness but you will almost feel your lower abdominals getting stronger with your first try ! The sides get some work too ...

Heel To Heel

Love handles be gone !

Crunchie Frogs

Another favorite of mine - Wrap and open !

Try these and lemme know how you like em ! Another thing I love doing is working out with an exercise ball. In a couple of weeks I'll put up my favorite exercises to do with an exercise ball. Now go on and share your favorite ab moves. Its a community and its all about helping each other !

Indian Girl